Texas Instruments TI-84 PLUS Silver Edition EZ-Spot

Date of introduction:  Nov.1, 2004 Display technology:  LCD dot matrix
New price:  $129.99  Display size:  8 * 16 characters
Size:  7.5" x 3.3" x 0.85"
 190 x 84 x 22 mm3
Weight:  7.6 ounces, 216 grams Serial No:  2284034871
Batteries:  4*AAA + SR44 (35mA) Date of manufacture:  mth 06 year 2006 (F)
AC-Adapter:   Origin of manufacture:  China (S)
Precision:  14 Integrated circuits:  ASIC: TI REF 83PLUSB/TA2 or TI-REF 84PLUSB/TA3
 Flash: 29LV160
 Display: Novatek NT7564H
Program steps:  24k Bytes, 1.5M Bytes Flash ROM Courtesy of:  Joerg Woerner

TI-84PlusSE_Y_Back.jpg (335365 Byte)To reduce theft of this popular school-owned graphing calculator, Texas Instruments introduced late in 2004 the EZ-Spot Teacher Packs with a bright, easy-to-spot, "school bus yellow" back cover and slide case. 

In addition, each unit's faceplate is inscribed with the words, "SCHOOL PROPERTY." 

TI-84PlusSE_Y_PCB.jpg (365669 Byte)Dismantling the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition EZ-Spot manufactured in August 2004 reveals a  printed circuit board (PCB) design known from the original TI-84 Plus Silver Edition with only 3 main Integrated Circuits:

TI REF 84PLUSB/TA3: Z-80 microprocessor, RAM, USB-Port 
    and supporting logic
Fujitsu 29LV160: 2M Bytes Flash ROM
Novatek NT7564H: Single-chip 64*120 pixel display driver

TI-84PlusSE_Y_ASIC_Z6.jpg (319972 Byte)The picture on the right gives an enhanced view of the ASIC that clocks the Z-80 microprocessor with 15 MHz and incorporates the RAM, USB-Port and logic. Learn more about the Hardware Architecture of TI’s Graphing Calculators.
Please notice that earlier TI-84 Plus featured the TI REF 83PLUSB/TA2 designation on the ASIC.

The driver circuit of the LC-Display was traditionally manufactured by Toshiba for Texas Instruments' graphing calculators. This TI-84 Plus Silver Edition manufactured in 2006 shows with the Novatek NT7564H a one-by-one replacement. It is just a bare chip mounted on a flexible piece of circuit board attached between the display and the main PCB.

Don't miss the TI-84 Plus EZ-Spot.

Texas Instruments announced on March 1st, 2010 the TI-84 Plus Operating System version 2.53MP with MathPrint™ mode for free download. The OS 2.53MP enables users to input and view math symbols and formulas, including stacked fractions, in their handhelds exactly as the equations appear in textbooks.


TI-84PlusSE_Y_OS.jpg (59219 Byte)2.21 (March 2004)
2.22 (August 2004)
2.30 (December 2004)
2.40 (November 2005)
2.41 (May 7, 2006)
2.43 (December 4, 2007)
2.53MP (February 15, 2010 includes MathPrint)
2.55MP (January 15, 2011)

You can check the ROM version of your TI-84 Plus S.E. using the following key sequence and reading the number on your screen:

[2nd] [MEM] [1]

Information provided by and Xavier Andréani.  

Exam acceptance:

The TI-84 Plus S.E. is permitted (as of September 27, 2007) for use on SAT, ACT, PSAT and AP exams.


Find here the original press release dated August 5, 2004:

Newest Graphing Calculator from Texas Instruments Helps Students Achieve Success in Math and Science

TI-84 Plus Silver Edition is This Year's Must Have Tool for Back-to-School

DALLAS, August 5, 2004

Texas Instruments, the leader in graphing handheld educational technology, today announced the availability of its advanced and stylish TI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculator. Available in time for the new school year, the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition engages students in learning and helps increase the likelihood of success in middle and high school math and science, making it a must-have educational product for parents who want to equip their child with tools to get ahead in school.

Developed with feedback from teachers and students, the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition engages students, deepens learning, and reinforces key concepts in math and science. It is preloaded with 30 educational programs for middle and high school math and science, plus productivity programs, including an organizer, to-do list and contact list. The device has enough memory to store up to 94 applications, which teens can download from TI's one-of-a kind, online application library. These lesson-enhancing programs bring math and science to life by transforming textbook problems into real-life applications.

"TI's graphing calculators create a collaborative learning environment that engages students in math and science," said Lisa Suarez-Caraballo, eighth grade mathematics teacher at Luis Munoz Marin Middle School in Cleveland, Ohio. "The preloaded applications help students develop a deeper understanding of math and science so they perform better in these subjects. In my classroom, I especially like using applications such as Topics in Algebra I, which teaches concepts using animation to hold student attention and enhance learning. Students also look forward to playing the lesson-enhancing games located at the end of each section."

The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition's built-in USB port makes it easier and faster than ever before for students to connect to home and school computers, share data with other graphing calculators, and collect field data for math and science classes. The USB port and cable also allows the student's calculator to connect with presentation equipment many teachers use in the classroom so that students can show their work with the rest of the class, creating a more collaborative classroom learning experience.

The graphing calculator is a portable study aid with a built-in StudyCards application that students can use to study anywhere, anytime. Because many state and college entrance exams recommend or require a graphing calculator, high-schoolers who are preparing for these exams will benefit from learning to use graphing technology for their school work, well in advance of test time.

Students love the graphing calculator for its cool, sleek design, which they can personalize with colorful, interchangeable faceplates (available separately), and they like the ability to customize the device by creating their own welcome screen and adding educational software applications, schedules and contacts to make them more productive in and outside of the classroom.

The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition delivers great value for your back-to-school budget. It grows with the student through the years with durable construction, a fully-upgradeable operating system, and the flexibility to add educational software applications as the student advances in math and science.

"At TI, we work with leading educators and middle and high school students to create effective and exciting tools for students learning math and science," said Marcia Page, vice president of TI's Educational & Productivity Solutions business. "It is rewarding to hear feedback from students, parents and teachers, who say our technology and curricular products improve classroom performance and help students to enjoy math and science like never before."

Pricing and Availability

The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition comes packaged with an opaque silver faceplate, USB cable and 30 preloaded software applications. It is available at an estimated retail price of $130. Interchangeable colored faceplates are available separately. The product is available through retail and office superstores nationwide, and through educational dealers. For availability information, please visit


Find here the original press release dated August 10, 2006:

Texas Instruments Helps More Than 40 Million Students Succeed

Milestone Reinforces Company's Commitment to Math Education

DALLAS, August 10, 2006

Fourteen billion hours of math. That’s about how much time students have spent using Texas Instruments graphing calculators since they were introduced in 1990. TI, the long-time leader in handheld educational technology, has now sold more than 40 million of the handheld learning tools that help students from middle school through college better understand and apply mathematical concepts on a daily basis.*

Designed for classroom teaching and learning, graphing calculators feature larger, multiple-line display screens that allow students to run educational applications (Apps), see each step in their mathematical computations and create graphs from equations typed into the device. TI works closely with educators and administrators to develop these classroom tools, including the company’s newest offering, the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculator.

“I saw a big difference in the way my students learned after using the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculator,” said Jane Damaske, an educational technology consultant and former 8th grade math teacher. "Students like seeing problems come to life, and they grasp concepts better while using graphing technology.”

By design, graphing calculators allow students to better make real-world connections in the classroom. Recent research shows that when students use a graphing calculator such as the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition to complete assignments and study for tests, their overall attitude about math and school can improve, significantly enhancing their mathematics performance.**

“I use my graphing calculator in my math, biology and chemistry classes,” said Macy Crabb, a 16-year-old student in Dallas who has been using a graphing calculator for almost five years. “It helps me learn more difficult concepts and check my work.”

Macy’s older sister Evie, a recent high school graduate, was able to use her graphing calculator on the SAT™ and AP™ exams and plans to take it with her to college in the fall.*** “In calculus, the graphing calculator allows you to solve problems using various methods, which helps me think more creatively when I use advanced formulas.” Evie, a National Merit Scholar, scored 780 out of 800 on the mathematics portion of her SAT.

The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition is one of the most widely accepted graphing calculators in education and is highly recommended for its functionality, ease of use and value. As mentioned above, graphing calculators are also required or permitted on PSAT, SAT and ACT college entrance and AP exams.**** The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition comes pre-loaded with 24 Apps and 500 SAT and 500 ACT test prep questions, and it allows students to download additional Apps and games via the device’s USB connection.


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© Joerg Woerner, October 28, 2008. No reprints without written permission.