Texas Instruments TI-5220

Date of introduction:  1977 Display technology:  Fluorescent
New price:   Display size:  12
Size:  9.3" x 9.1" x 2.7"
 235 x 232 x 68 mm3
Printer technology:  Thermal TP-20225, TP-27225
Weight:  3 pounds 9 ounces
 1614 grams
Serial No:  82225
Batteries:   Date of manufacture:  year 1977
AC-Adapter:  120 V or 220 V Origin of manufacture:  Italy
Precision:  12 Integrated circuits:  TMS1309, TMC1372
Memories:  1 + 1    
Program steps:   Courtesy of:  Joerg Woerner

Compare this calculator with it's direct predecessor, the TI-5040. The differences are marginal, instead 10 digits of resolution the TI-5220 displays and prints with 12 digits. Further enhancement is given with the 00-key to enter hundreds and the GT (grand total) feature. 

TI-5220_PCB.jpg (284980 Byte)Dismantling the TI-5220 reveals some well-known elements, e.g. the printer assembly from the PC-100 printing cradle and two a TMS1309 resp. TMS1372 Single-Chip Microcontroller based on the famous TMS1000 core.

TI-5220_LBL.jpg (65062 Byte)The featured calculator was manufactured in Italy for the European market and is powered with 220 volts.

A desktop calculator with 12 digits capability using normal paper was introduced with the TI-5142 some years later.

Don't miss the really massive TI-5225 introduced in the same year.

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© Joerg Woerner, December 5, 2001. No reprints without written permission.