Texas Instruments TI-5135

Date of introduction:  1980 Display technology:  Fluorescent
New price:  $74.95 (SRP Sep. 1980) Display size:  10
Size:  7.7" x 7.2" x 1.9" Printer technology:  Thermal TP-20225
Weight:  2 pounds 1 ounces Serial No:  0014072
Batteries:   Date of manufacture:  wk 47 year 1980
AC-Adapter:  120 V Origin of manufacture:  USA (ATA)
Precision:  10 Integrated circuits:  TMC0263
Memories:  1 + 1    
Program steps:   Courtesy of:  Joerg Woerner
    Download manual:   (US: 5.4M Bytes)

The TI-5135 was introduced as an economical printing calculator for office and home. It features a 10-digit display and a thermal printer quiet enough to be uses at home. Beside the usual 4-function memory an independent add register is available.

TI-5135_PCB.jpg (277568 Byte)Dismantling this TI-5135 manufactured in 1980 reveals an internal construction very similar to the TI-5040 introduced in 1976 and the PC-100 printing cradle introduced already in 1975.

TI-5135_IC.jpg (86740 Byte)The electronics of the TI-5135 is centered around the TMC0263 calculator chip, obviously the third member in a line of customized solutions for printing calculators. We identified so far:

Introduction Printing
TMC0261 1976 TI-5040
TMC0262 1978 TI-5025
TMC0263 1980 TI-5135


The TI-5135 was the last Texas Instruments printing calculator based on their own technology, the successor TI-5130 - followed within one year - was designed around an impact printer for plain paper and manufactured by Toshiba TEC Corp. in Japan. The TI-5040 II introduced in 1982 used once again thermal printing technology.

The TI-5135B introduced in 1988 was manufactured in Taiwan, PRC.

Find here an excerpt from the Texas Instruments Incorporated leaflet CL-199J dated 1981:


Economical printer/display calculator for office and home.

Especially designed for business executives so it has all the features an executive needs. That means having both a display for fast calculations and a tape produced by a thermal printer.
Use the display alone or display plus printer when the job demands it. The 10-digit display is easy to read with commas and decimal point. The thermal printer is quiet enough to use when you’re on the phone, and it eliminates ribbon and ink.
You’ll make quick work of most problems with features like: Four-function memory and independent add register for “dual-memory” capability. Add register also makes the extensions, cross-footing, and invoices easier, Automatic constant. And percent key.

© Texas Instruments, 1981

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© Joerg Woerner, July 8, 2009. No reprints without written permission.