Additional Pictures
The sales
box of the AccuBalance Personal Digital Account Register sold around 2010 in
the US. |
AccuBalance Personal Digital Account Register was
manufactured in November 2010 in China.
The internal
construction of the AccuBalance makes use of just 2 printed circuit boards
(PCB's), one for the gray-scale LC-Display and another one for the computing unit and power supply. |
The brain of the AccuBalance is actually a System-on-Chip based on the ARM7TDMI-S 16/32-bit RISC processor. | |
Close-up view of the M29W160EB Flash-ROM (2M Bytes). | |
Close-up view of the K6X4008TIF SRAM with 512k Bytes. |
Close-up view of the CP2102 USB to UART
bridge. |
If you have additions to the above article please email:
© Joerg Woerner, March 3, 2020. No reprints without written permission.