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This Montgomery Ward TXI-8662A (Display 2) was manufactured in November 1974
by Texas Instruments (Date code 474 » wk 47 yr 1974).

The TXI-8662A is powered three AA-sized rechargeable NiCd or four disposable Alkaline batteries.

The double-sided printed circuit board (PCB) of the TXI-8662A
is centered around a TMS0601 single-chip calculator circuit.

Close-up view of the TMS0601 single-chip calculator circuit.

Close-up view of the SN27915 Segment Driver.

Close-up view of the SN27423 Digit Driver.

Close-up view of the DIS206A Display PCB.

horizontal rule

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© Joerg Woerner, December 12, 2021. No reprints without written permission.