Exactra 31 by Texas Instruments

Date of introduction:  1974 Display technology:  Panaplex II
New price:  $49.98 Display size:  8
Size:  8.4" x 6.2" x 2.5"    
Weight:  32 ounces Serial No:  3100 046041
Batteries:   Date of manufacture:  wk 37 year 1974
AC-Adapter:  120 V Origin of manufacture:  USA
Precision:  8 Integrated circuits:  TMS0109
Program steps:   Courtesy of:  Joerg Woerner

Nothing else than a restyled TI-3000 with an additional sliding switch to select between Chain and Constant mode. We already know this wooden foil from the Exactra 22 or the Western Auto M4986.

From the technical point of view the Exactra 31 uses the calculator chip borrowed from the TI-3500 on a printed circuit board found in the TI-3000.

Don't miss the rare TI-3510.

Fellow collector Michel Zwawiak reported recently a different design of the Exactra 31 sporting white keys with the serial number 3100 007108. Unfortunately is the production date label missing. Gilles Collas just reported with 3100 007195 a second "white key" Exactra 31.

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© Joerg Woerner, December 5, 2001. No reprints without written permission.